
How it all started?

At the beginning, there were two people from Brno. Let’s call them DJ R & DJ K now. In the summer of 2018, both of them simultaneously realized that the club scene, in the sense of just hanging out at a nice discotheque, was far from fulfilling their desired vision of combining music, people, dance, and the summer season. They didn’t like regular clubs. Visiting them usually meant a significant hit to the student budget (entrance fees, coat check, expensive drinks) and a lot of discomfort: pushing through with grumpy security, excessive noise, crowded spaces, no quiet refuge… basically a commercial affair. Ugh…

So one day, they said to themselves: Why go to expensive and sweaty clubs when we can create a nice, decent party ourselves, under the open sky?

And that’s how PERPLEXx was born.

First small tremors

DJ R & DJ K organized three small pre-PERPLEXx events before the official PERPLEXx vol. 1. With a very modest setup of two speakers and a Chinese amplifier, our duo of founders set out to delight three events. Two birthday celebrations (one of them being DJ R’s own) and once they went to play simply for the people.

Vol 1 ___ 8. 8. 2018

DJ R & DJ K broke their piggy banks and acquired a crucial item for the PERPLEXx setup. A speaker! (Now, I’ll smoothly switch to the first person.) With 100W of portable power (if we consider 15kg as portable), we had enough determination to finally get things going. On a train during one of our journeys, fueled by red wine, we came up with the name for the event – PERPLEXx. There you go!

All that was left was to find a good spot. A place where we could make some moderate noise, not far from the center of Brno, and at least a bit nice. The choice fell on a meadow above the Královo Pole shopping center, locally nicknamed “Planýrka.” Since then, (almost) all subsequent PERPLEXx events have taken place there and continue to do so. In addition to meeting the mentioned criteria, we found a spot that offered an unbelievably beautiful view of the city and its landmarks, stunning sunsets, and at the same time was conveniently located right next to a supermarket, where everyone could equip themselves with whatever they wanted when heading to the party.

At the same time, the concept of an improvised cocktail bar was born, where visitors could purchase one of the cocktails (Gin + Tonic, Cuba Libre, Vodka + Juice) at almost the cost price (for 4 years since then, the price remained at 40 CZK). The small amount collected at the bar then contributed to the backward financing of equipment and various other enhancements.

It was a fantastic event, mainly attended by our friends, and we danced and partied into the late morning hours. Just like at all the other PERPLEXx events, nothing bad happened; our speaker isn’t loud enough to disturb anyone within its range. We cleaned up the spot nicely, and just to be sure, we came back the next day to check if we had left anything behind (this became a routine for every event).

Vol 2 ___ 7. 9. 2018

We organized the second PERPLEXx a month after the first one, which filled us with great energy, and we knew we wanted to host more and more fantastic and unforgettable outdoor parties! This time, a moving trolley helped us bring things up the hill, and the atmosphere was ♥.

To bring up the hill, we needed to haul: the speaker (15kg), the car battery (13kg), two small tables, and the contents of the bar (a bunch of bottles).

Vol 3 ___ 22. 9. 2018

DJ P joined the party with us! And because DJ R is a bit of a handyman and DIY enthusiast, he crafted a light effect to enhance the experience – tubes that changed color and gave the gathering on the hill above Tesco a somewhat otherworldly atmosphere.

Vol 4 ___ 11. 5. 2019

The year 2019 and its opening PERPLEXx. This one was again absolutely amazing and unique. We knew in advance that the weather wouldn’t be ideal. Early May isn’t yet warm summer, and the forecast also indicated the possibility of rain. But since we’re not afraid and are a group that enjoys any weather, we set up a sophisticated shelter from the rain by stretching large car tarps. We found pallets to burn, and DJ R, with a angle grinder at his balcony crafted a great makeshift campfire from an oil barrel!

Vol 5 ___ 31. 5. 2019

The end of May brought a beautiful warm Saturday when we got the party going again! The light tubes received some impressive enhancements, and more new people started to join, increasing the number of participants slightly.

Barcelona ___ 16. 8. 2019

DJ K left Brno, and DJ R moved to Barcelona. In Barcelona, he found a fantastic PERPLEXx hill and attempted to organize a local PERPLEXx. With his very narrow circle of friends, the attendance was quite intimate, but we surely surprised some locals who couldn’t believe there was a party with fairy lights on the hill (amazing rotating disco balls from ťaman) and selling cocktails for 2€.

Vol 6 ___ 30. 5. 2020

A very successful PERPLEXx. DJ K still outside Brno, but DJ R returned to his homeland, so the first PERPLEXx in 2020 could be started splendidly! Enhanced light effects, a beautiful sunset, and participants who endured with us until dawn!

Vol 7 ___ 10. 7. 2020

A phenomenal event. The main improvement was that DJ R upgraded the light tubes so that they could now literally play in all colors. The attendance was very good, and we weren’t even discouraged by thunder and a storm. We all nicely huddled under a large tarp and held it up together ♥♥♥. Shoes and equipment were not spared from the muddy clay, which inevitably appears everywhere on the spot when it rains.

Vol 8 ___ 18. 9. 2020

It was the year 2020 marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. When Vol 6 and Vol 7 took place, no one knew what havoc this insidious virus would wreak in the fall.

Vol 9 ___ 9. 10. 2020

And so, both events Vol 8 and Vol 9 were affected by (besides the generally colder weather) low attendance and, in many ways, were perhaps “on the edge,” even though formally, rules like “you can meet outdoors with N number of people if you maintain a 2-meter distance” were in place, etc. It was a strange time, and I hope we don’t experience it again.

PANDEMIXx ___ od 1. 4. 2021

Spring was at the doorstep, but COVID was still with us. Since gatherings (even outdoors) in larger numbers were prohibited at that time (or might have been), I decided to do something to lift spirits. That’s how a completely unique and unrepeatable branch of PERPLEXx was born, and I gave it the fitting name PANDEMIXx. It operates with the help of the mobile app ECHOES, allowing everyone to literally “dance through songs” in the immediate vicinity of the PERPLEXx spot on Planýrka meadow. An incredible 70 songs are geolocated in the terrain, and as the listener walks through the meadow, the individual songs seamlessly blend into their headphones. I recommend trying it out. It’s worth it. Download the ECHOES app and then go to the link provided below on your phone. The songs can be downloaded in advance (to save data), and then with headphones and a bottle of something great, head up the hill!


Vol 10 ___ 29. 5. 2021

We opened the year 2021 with a truly beautiful PERPLEXx. The pandemic situation had calmed down, and spring had long been knocking on the door, so there was no reason to wait! Once again, a bunch of great people gathered, and this event was particularly special with the one-time return of DJ K to the scene (on the meadow). Additionally, all the proceeds from our modest improvised bar (+ voluntary contributions) went as a charitable donation to a dog shelter this time! We’re also starting to play with the idea of PERPLEXx T-shirts 🙂 The lights are shining, in the photo, you can see that a little bonfire was already set up in the background, and the party was truly beautiful! ♥

Vol 11 ___ 10. 7. 2021

DJ P was present, and the novelty was the introduction of beautiful new PERPLEXx T-shirts! In the late night hours, one of our favorite participants arrived and contributed to the magical night on the hill with his fantastic fire show! Oh yes! ♥

Vol 12 ___ 11. 9. 2021

Another proud owner of a new PERPLEXx T-shirt and one of the most loyal fans ♥

September is just the time to enjoy the end of summer when, in the evening, the surroundings are gently turning yellow (or the dry grass), with a sufficient dose of the endless ride called PERPLEXx!

Vol 13 ___ 9. 7. 2022

The opening PERPLEXx of 2022 happened unusually in July due to the main part of the creative team being outside the Czech Republic. However, everyone was looking forward to it even more, and I must say that the party was really great. It’s a pity that a slight drizzle discouraged some, which started during the early evening. However, as usual, we weren’t afraid of anything and brought a tarp with us (admittedly, it could have been bigger, but the forecast looked quite optimistic! really!).

Yes, this is how the beginning of a great party can look like ♥

Vol 14 ___ 23. 7. 2022

Birthday PERPLEXx. DJ R celebrated his birthday, and no throat remained dry, and no shoe was spared from the dance. It was summer, and it was beautiful. Somehow I didn’t manage to take any pictures after dark; it was because congratulations and participants were pouring in, and it was all mega wonderful ♥.

DJ R and his traditional starting position
To assist with transportation up the hill, we have this fantastic team and a trolley!

Vol 15 ___ 13. 8. 2022

It was so much fun that I’ll leave only these photos here on the illustration 🙂

Vol 16 ___ 10. 9. 2022

The final PERPLEXx of 2022 wasn’t bad, but it rained quite a bit at the beginning. The attendance was quite low, the dance floor was a bit gloomy, but a small group that gathered during the night eventually settled around the bonfire, where everyone felt good 🙂

Vol 17 ___ 27. 5. 2023

The opening PERPLEXx of the 2023 season, as usually held at the end of May, turned out wonderfully for us. The weather was fantastic, clear skies, and the sunset marked the beginning of a long evening. This year, we decided to reach out to other DJs who might want to play at PERPLEXx. Thus, this night became the PERPLEXx debut for DJ Srnka (aka Street DJ). It was a proper party, and in the backstage, sometime after midnight, a beautiful circle around the bonfire also emerged. Unforgettable!

Vol 18 ___ 7. 6. 2023

This time, we organized PERPLEXx on a Wednesday! Because it looked like rain, we created a beautiful roof from a tarp. In the end, it didn’t rain at all. It was a splendid evening with a good turnout, including people who might not be in Brno on weekends. We wrapped up at two in the morning, so it was a relaxed atmosphere! As a special guest, DJ Ježíšek arrived!

Vol 19 ___ 25. 8. 2023

Another quite successful event where candles adorned the atmosphere, and of course, there was great music. Taking the stage for the second time, MC Selector VOJTA added his voice, and his lively sets once again ignited and energized the dancefloor.

Vol 20 ___ 16. 9. 2023

JUBILEE twentieth PERPLEXx. Well, what to say? Maybe just that I hope there will be at least a hundred more! What made this PERPLEXx different from the others? The party duo Vojta and Davča left their personal mark, preparing a surprise drink – WORLD DESTROYER, among other things. This time, DJ R was missing for the first time, but DJ Pája and DJ Spoko kept the party going as it should. DJ Srnka joined us again to play, and MC Vojta prepared his next mix. Those who remember will surely gladly explain what this mix was all about. I’ll leave two all-encompassing photos here. It was a beautiful night.

Vol 21 _ 13. 4. 2024

The opening event of the 2024 season was full of positive surprises! We were pleasantly surprised by the unusually warm weather at the end of April, so we decided to kick off the first gathering much earlier than usual!

Most of the participants also arrived unusually early; the meadow was already full of people eager for the true atmosphere of the outdoor party we had been looking forward to all winter, even before sunset. The music was started by the classic duo of DJs Kája and Pája. Our lineup was also enriched by DJ Colibrí, accompanied by her friend on the saxophone, and her partner added a rap section. The dance floor was packed, and the energy was incredible. The fire was burning from the very beginning, people were moving around, and the bar never stopped. The magical night was further accompanied by DJ Srnka, who has already become a PERPLEXx regular, and after midnight, Rave Artei took over, even with video projections!

It was an incredible success; everyone had a great time, and it was definitely a record attendance, with at least 80 people scattered across the hill.


This is indeed a page about history, but naturally, you might be thinking now – wow, this doesn’t look like a bad event at all, so when will the next one be? Well… Keep an eye on our social media channels, and you’ll find out in time 😉

Social media:

Overview of all PERPLEXxes

  • 8. 8. 2018 – Vol 1
  • 7. 9. 2018 – Vol 2
  • 22. 9. 2018 – Vol 3
  • 11. 5. 2019 – Vol 4
  • 31. 5. 2019 – Vol 5
  • 16. 8. 2019 – Barcelona Perplexx
  • 30. 5. 2020 – Vol 6
  • 10. 7. 2020 – Vol 7
  • 18. 9. 2020 – Vol 8
  • 9. 10. 2020 – Vol 9
  • 1. 4. 2021 – Pandemixx ( https://explore.echoes.xyz/collections/pdBYOWo5rhiSkhbY )
  • 29. 5. 2021 – Vol 10
  • 10. 7. 2021 – Vol 11
  • 11. 9. 2021 – Vol 12
  • 9. 7. 2022 – Vol 13
  • 23. 7. 2022 – Vol 14
  • 13. 8. 2022 – Vol 15
  • 10. 9. 2022 – Vol 16
  • 27. 5. 2023 – Vol 17
  • 7. 6. 2023 – Vol 18
  • 25. 8. 2023 – Vol 19
  • 16. 9. 2023 – Vol 20
  • 13. 4. 2024 – Vol 21
  • 1. 6. 2024 – Vol 22

Last updated 5. 5. 2024 🙂